As I Get Older, I Seem to Love a Pun More

Alexa Chung's Instagram Post With Diamond in the Ruffle Fashion Pun
Alexa Chung's Post on Instagram with a Doozy Fashion Pun

Maybe it is the equivalent of a Dad-Joke. Maybe it is an appreciation for the wit required to think of them. Maybe I’m just getting lamer as the years go on. Whichever way, my goodness, do I love a good pun these days! I especially love a fashion pun. I nearly went into meltdown the other day when Alexa Chung posted a pic of herself in a gorgeous rust chiffon evening gown, bedecked in diamonds. As the necklace nestled on her décolletage, the layers around the neckline of her dress surrounded the sparklers. “Diamond in the ruffle,” she quipped to my unqualified merriment.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a pun snob. They don’t have to be fancy or fashionable. I am just as fond of a good headline on the cover of the tabloid papers as I am a clever-clogs riposte in an on-context conversation. I even chuckle grudgingly at the ribald sexist puns that my mate Jason dishes out like they are confetti. I can’t help it. Puns are hilarious.

Fashion Puns from Manrepeller Social Media Platform and Crop Top
Some Top Drawer Fashion Puns from @manrepeller

I remember when I though that puns were on the same level as a knock-knock joke: plenty to go around, occasionally a bit funny, but mostly a snore-fest in the humour canon. I mean I was a bit of an intellectual elitist at the time, so it stands to reason. However, as I have aged, as I have met unbelievable masters of the pun, I have come to really appreciate how witty they can be, and how they are veritable foundations of great banter over a long meal or drinking session.

Fashion Puns from ThredUp Clothes Minded You Plaid Me At Hello
ThredUp Also Has Some Excellent Fashion Puns for Our Amusement

Good-pun-banter makes everyone around the table try harder to be funny. Frankly, in my world-view, that’s a basic requirement for socializing. Be funny or be interesting. These days’ just being pretty is simply not enough as a social contribution (more on that subject some other time on this blog). And when the puns start to flow, your brain clicks into a different mode, the nerve synapses fire quicker, and I assume everyone knows what that means? That’s right. Depression is lifted, euphoria sets in, and everyone lives another day happier and more pleased with themselves and the world. What a gift!

Fashion Puns from Manrepeller Drug Mules Emotional Baggage
More Sensational Fashion Puns from @manrepeller

And don’t even get me started on social media. The Instagram account ‘Comments by Celebs’ showcases the quickest wits in the celebrity universe as they try and get their pun-tastic comments on fellow celebs images in before John Meyer (mostly). It turns out that Gwynnie Paltrow is pretty nifty with a pun on occasion. Who knew?

Fashion Puns from ThredUp Trend Sweater Sole Mates
Wrapping It Up With a Final Set of Puns from ThredUp

And so I regret that I never honed my skills in punning early in my life. I feel that all that time I was sitting around the Students Union smoking could have been put to good training use. All those late nights when staying up till dawn was a badge of honour rather than unthinkable torture, could have been spent just building an arsenal of pun responses. I could have Chanel-led all my efforts into it and opened the Dior for others like me. Right? (I’m REALLY Prada myself right now.)

UPDATE: Alexa Chung has been at it again. So I thought I would just leave this here for you to enjoy. Do you have any idea how excited this makes me? Giddy AF.

Alexa Chung - Queen of the Fashion Puns. Total Style Icon and Girl Crush.
Alexa Chung - Queen of the Fashion Puns. Total Style Icon Too.


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