As I Get Older, I Count The 50 Ways Being 50 is Fabulous

Iris Apfel, Wise Old Lady, 50 Ways Being 50 is Fabulous
Iris Apfel, The Elder I Aspire to Be
Photo by The Times

So the big fiftieth birthday came and went this weekend. It was an absolute sensation. Leading up to the big day, one of the most delightful of my colleagues sent me an article from the Telegraph listing the 50 ways that being over 50 was awesome. And I didn’t agree with all the ways, so this is my version. Enjoy it, aspire to it, recognise it, appreciate it.

1.     You are so much more experienced at life – I mean you’ve put the years in.
2.     You care so much less about what other people think of you.
3.     You care so much more about what other people value in them selves.
4.     You know yourself.
5.     You know who your friends are.
6.     You tell your friends and family how much you love them, so much more.
7.     You have boundaries and aren’t afraid of using them.
8.    You laugh so much easier at yourself.
9.     You laugh so much easier at others.
10.  You laugh so much easier at life and all its absurdities.
11.  You laugh so much more often. If only I had known this in my twenties.
12.  You say, ‘it is what it is’ more often – and mean it.
13.  You shrug it off quicker.
14.  Very occasionally someone will offer you a seat you don’t deserve.
15.  Very occasionally someone will ask you to tell them what it was like in your day. I love telling these stories.
16.  You share your opinions more.
17.  You stand up for yourself.
18. You don’t suffer fools anymore.
19.  You see the fools everywhere and you chuckle to yourself. They think they know. So did you when you were their age. They don’t.
20.  You aren’t afraid to sing out loud, even when you can’t sing.
21.  People expect you to be a bad dancer, but you aren’t.
22.  You have an excellent reason for not remembering anything or anyone.
23.  You remember everyone from your youth.
24.  You have an excellent reason for misplacing your things.
25.  You have an excellent reason for being as grumpy as you wish.
26.  You can tell your best stories over and over again. And they have to listen.
27.  You celebrate your body still functioning, rather than being pretty.
28. You expect to be imperfect, so it doesn’t bother you.
29.  You can make 6.30 dinner reservations, and start your party at 3.30pm.
30.  You can leave someone else’s party as soon as you get tired.
31.  You can accept yourself for who you are.
32.  Having confidence and showing it isn’t arrogant anymore, it’s cute.
33.  You can really enjoy food and still expect to be loved.
34.  You can wear odd things and it’s now called ‘elder fashion’.
35.  You can let your hair go grey and save all that money on hair dye.
36.  You wake up so much earlier, and enjoy quiet sunrises.
37.  You only care about stuff that you have learned really counts.
38. You can give excellent advice to others.
39.  You have seen and experienced amazing, life changing things.
40.  You have witnessed the world before the internet, even the TV.
41.  You have the courage of your convictions.
42.  You can wear elasticated waistbands on the regular.
43.  You can just sit for a bit.
44.  Your family can be some of your best friends. You share an unspoken history.
45.  Your friends spoil you when they can. You do too.
46.  You have more respect and less reverence.
47.  You just make better choices.
48. You can pull faces at small children without being a threat.
49.  You can tsk loudly at anything you choose.
50.  You just know that one person can change the world. And it’s you.


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