As I Get Older, I Cry More. At Nothing and Everything.

Things That Make Me Cry: Queer Eye. Now in Season 4 on Netflix.
Things That Make Me Cry: Queer Eye. Now in Season 4 on Netflix.

Apparently everyone cries watching Queer Eye. That gives me comfort to write this because I thought it might be the menopause. But according to my lady-bits-doctor (who is also a 50-year-old woman, and an absolute hoot), it’s not. I have not yet hit the menopause, so why do I cry so much more frequently these days, if it’s not the hormones? The only thing I can think is that it is sentimentality.

Things That Make Me Cry: Schitts Creek and Serena Williams - win or lose.

So how about I list some things that make me cry and you can offer your opinion on whether it is some of my crazy leaking out, or perfectly normal:
  1. I cry at the state of politics in the world. I especially cry at almost everything that is being done in America, but obviously I weep at the implications of Brexit. And the fact that Northern Ireland still bans abortions. WTAF? (Obviously this is normal, we ALL cry at all of this, right?)
  2. I cry when people stand up for others, especially when it comes from an ally rather than an affected person. God, I love an ally. I love to be an ally too.
  3. I cry when people win sporty things, and are truly patriotic.
  4. I also cry when Serena Williams loses her matches and she is still such a warrior.
  5. I cry at Schitts Creek because it is the most gentle, funny stuff I have ever watched on the TV. And obviously I cry at Queer Eye.
  6. I cry at people doing good things, things that make other people cry with joy.
  7. I cry when I realise how lucky South Africa is to have the constitution it does. It’s a work of utter beauty and makes me proud to have been born here.
  8. I cry with pride when people who have been born in Africa do amazing things that change the world. Except Elon Musk who is very impressive but deeply problematic and very not-proud of his place of birth. Ditto Dave Matthews.
  9. I cry when dance moves me. Thank you to So You Think You Can Dance and World of Dance who have made this a truth in my life. Brilliant stuff.
  10. I cry when I am in England and hear a Jaluka song. Or Toto, Africa. Tears.
  11. I cry when a friend makes me proud with their sobriety.
  12. I cry when I realise how lucky I am to have the friends and family that I do.
  13. I cry when I realise I will never be in my twenties again, carefree and hot, unburdened by all this crying.
  14. I cry when I realise that I don’t have the complete freedom to still become anything I could ever dream of. Don’t get me wrong, I will keep reinventing, learning, trying new things. But I am far more aware of my own limitations and those of father time. (Typical, men putting restrictions on you.)
  15. I cry when I realise after years of an abusive person telling me that everyone hates me, that actually I am very loved. C’mon, how can you not cry at that? 

For a GREAT example of South Africans making me proud-cry, here is the Ndlovu Youth Choir from Limpopo getting through to the live shows of America's Got Talent 2019. If you don't cry watching this you are made of stone:

I’m not crying, you are!


  1. EXACTLY!!! :-) :-) And when I hear Vicky Sampson's, African Dream - I u.g.l.y cry!! :-) Liz


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