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As I Get Older, I Still Welcome Change

Bond Street, London. All Wrapped Up for Christmas. Photo by me. I remember my grandfather voting in the South African elections of 1994. He voted for the new South Africa, one of inclusion and equality and people being governed by the majority. He was very old at the time and an immigrant to South Africa, but he believed in change. He was able to stay mentally fit and enquiring all his life. He was a lesson to anyone getting on in years who makes excuses about being 'set in their ways' or those of us who forgive the older generation for being racists and homophobes because they grew up in a different time. He knew right from wrong and continued to learn about the things he didn't know. As a result, life-long learning has always been a pillar in my own life. I believe that it keeps you relevant, it keeps you young, and it makes sure you never get 'set in your ways'. Sure, it's comfortable there in your ways. And after all the years on earth, you've earne

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